emily dickinson

Uma palavra morre Pois eu digo
Quando é dita Que ela nasce
— Dir-se-ia Nesse dia.

quarta-feira, 14 de julho de 2010

swim in silence - paramore

"meet me here beneath the burning skies, where the ocean comes and takes us from all of our lies. you never said that you were coming back, i have waited although i have found the place you hide. what keeps you so far away? we can swim in silence, you can pull me under, i will not come up for anyone. i can slowly sink and watch you as you leave, but i will drown until you care. i will drown until you care. i imagine what it must be like, to have everything you need and not be satisfied. run the water until it burns and you cant see through the waves that crash into your prey. what keeps you so far away? we can swim in silence, you can pull me under, i will not come up for anyone. i can slowly sink and watch you as you leave, but i will drown until you care."

— Você tem um cigarro?
— Estou tentando parar de fumar.
— Eu também. Mas queria uma coisa nas mãos agora.
— Você tem uma coisa nas mãos agora.
— Eu?
— Eu.

(Caio F. Abreu)

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